Are you pregnant and have been diagnosed with COVID-19? If so please give our office a call at 📞 (520) 721-8605
Our team wants to share with you how to manage symptoms at home, when you might need to come to the hospital, and how to do that safely for yourself and our hospital staff. We’ll also be wanting to monitor you and baby even more closely throughout your pregnancy to keep you both healthy.
Minimal Exposure Office Protocols, effective April 1st, 2020:
The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Clinical Guidelines now suggest we no longer allow patient guests in-office. We will no longer allow visitors to accompany patients in the exam room. For ultrasound appointments we encourage our patients to virtually share their experience via FaceTime or Video Calling. Thank you for your understanding as we follow these recommendations to help reduce exposure for all.
We will also be minimizing exposure in our waiting rooms by asking patients to remain in their cars after arrival for their appointments. Patients are asked to call our front desk at 520-721-8605 from the parking lot for check-in and payment over the phone. A medical assistant will call patients in when their exam room is ready.
Additionally, we ask that patients wear their own mask if they have one, if not we will do our best to provide one.
We are doing our best to minimize exposure for both our patients and staff. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation during this time!