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Preeclampsia: What Pregnant Women Should Know


When you’re pregnant, knowing all the risks and medical possibilities can be daunting. And while it’s always good to maintain a positive mindset (and stay off of Google!), there are some medical conditions you really need to pay attention to. Specifically, you need to know about conditions that can occur during pregnancy which could be life-threatening for both you and your baby. One of these is called preeclampsia. Here’s what pregnant women need to know in order to make the best decisions for themselves and their baby. Continue reading “Preeclampsia: What Pregnant Women Should Know”

Expecting More Than One Baby? Why You Won’t Go Past Your Due Date

past your due date

We’re guessing it was quite a shock when you found out you were carrying more than one! If you’ve recently found out that you’re having twins (or triplets, or more!) you’ve probably been scouring the internet for any and all information. A pregnancy where the mother is expecting multiples can be totally different from the traditional “singleton” pregnancy. Continue reading “Expecting More Than One Baby? Why You Won’t Go Past Your Due Date”

How to Survive Your Two Week Wait

two week wait

Ah, the two week wait – that exciting, suspenseful (and sometimes stressful) time between ovulation and the arrival of your period can seem really long. However, worrying about whether or not you might become pregnant during that time can make the two weeks drag on and on. That’s why we’ve put together some quick tips and best practices for making it through your two week wait and preparing yourself as best you can for potential pregnancy. Continue reading “How to Survive Your Two Week Wait”