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What to Expect at Your First Trimester Blood Screening

Tests and screenings are common when you’re in your first trimester. They check the health and wellbeing of your baby. Providers often suggest a 11-week blood test, which checks for chromosomal conditions your baby may have. This blood test can also reveal your baby’s sex!

So, why do providers suggest this screening in the first place? First trimester screenings and tests let you know your baby is healthy. In this article, we’ll go over what to expect from your 10-week blood test.

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Rh-Negative vs Rh-Positive Blood Factors

One of the first things your healthcare provider wants to test when you’re pregnant is your blood type and Rh blood factor. It’s a common screening usually done during the first prenatal visit. You need to know whether your blood type is Rh-positive or Rh-negative.

It’s important because even though your baby grows inside you, there’s a chance you and your baby have different blood types. Your healthcare provider will want to know you and your baby’s Rh blood types to determine if you need special care. Continue reading “Rh-Negative vs Rh-Positive Blood Factors”

Signs of Labor

As an expectant mother, you’re probably wondering what the early signs of labor are as you prepare for delivery. There are many signs that indicate you’re nearing or in labor. You may experience all or just a few of the signs, as every delivery is different but knowing what’s normal should give you some peace of mind as your due date draws closer.

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Timeline of Delivery

Giving birth is a natural process and each is unique, but they all follow the same timeline of delivery. Women giving birth should know all about the three stages of labor so they can prepare their birthing plans accordingly.

There’s a lot to know about birthing a baby, and we’ve got you covered. The three stages of delivery are labor, delivery of the baby, and delivery of the placenta.

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