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What is the Difference Between an MD and NP?

What is the Difference between an MD and NP?

When it comes to your health care, you may be wondering what kind of practitioner would be best for your needs: an MD or NP? There are some differences between the two that are important to understand before making your choice.

‘MD’ stands for ‘medical doctor’ or ‘doctor of medicine’, and ‘NP’ stands for ‘nurse practitioner’. Both are often present in hospitals and clinics working together to provide routine and urgent care to their patients. 

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Who Should Be in the Delivery Room?

There are many important decisions to make when you’re getting ready to have a baby, and one of the most important is who to have in the delivery room with you.

Delivering a baby is a magical experience, but it can also be stressful. Once labor begins, you are unlikely to want to make more decisions than absolutely necessary, so it’s important to have a plan for who you want to be with you when the big day comes. 

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