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Your Guide To Improving and Maintaining Your Mental Health While Pregnant

A pregnant woman does a yoga pose on the floor of a sunny room to improve her mental health.

Let’s talk about mental health and pregnancy!

Pregnancy is a remarkable journey filled with excitement and anticipation. That said, it can also be a challenging time, both physically and mentally, for most women.

At Copperstate OB/Gyn, we believe that nurturing your mental health during pregnancy is just as important as taking care of your physical well-being. This is why we’ve created a comprehensive guide including essential tips and practices to improve and maintain your mental health while pregnant. Continue reading “Your Guide To Improving and Maintaining Your Mental Health While Pregnant”

Ovarian Cancer: Risk Factors, Symptoms & Treatment

A woman doctor holds a model of the female reproductive system to explain aspects of ovarian cancer.

Ovarian cancer is a serious condition that affects almost 20,000 women in the U.S. every year. Luckily, understanding the risk factors, symptoms, early detection, and treatment options can make all the difference in promoting early diagnosis and improving survival rates. 

Read on for everything you need to know about ovarian cancer to empower you with knowledge and encourage proactive healthcare. Continue reading “Ovarian Cancer: Risk Factors, Symptoms & Treatment”

What is a Pap Smear, & Why Do You Need One?

A black woman gynecologist speaks with a black woman patient about scheduling her pap smear. The gynecologist is facing towards the viewer, and can be seen smiling, while the patient is facing away.

If you’re new to the world of gynecology, either because you’re young or you’ve just never gotten around to making an appointment, you might not know what a Pap smear is or why getting one is important. We’ve put together a simple overview of the Pap smear: what it is, what’s involved, when you need one, and why!

Here’s everything you need to know. Continue reading “What is a Pap Smear, & Why Do You Need One?”

Foods For Hormone Imbalance

A young woman with blond hair stands at her kitchen counter, preparing some foods to help with hormone imbalance.

When it comes to hormone imbalances, people often associate treatment with the use of medications and hormone replacement therapies. 

But, adopting a healthy diet and eating foods that support hormone regulation can also be a powerful tool in the treatment and prevention of hormone imbalances.

We’ve created a guide breaking down the delicious foods that can help balance hormones naturally and promote overall well-being and excellent reproductive health. Continue reading “Foods For Hormone Imbalance”

The Best Diet for Fertility

A woman making a healthy smoothie in her kitchen. Many of the best foods for fertility make great smoothie ingredients.

About 10 to 15% of couples are affected by infertility. Thus, more people are becoming curious about the concept of a “fertility diet”. If you are trying to conceive, you can make healthy food choices that help your body prepare for pregnancy. Foods that are good for fertility can boost your reproductive abilities and increase your chances of getting pregnant.

Some foods aid fertility and some foods inhibit it. In this article, we will identify the best diet for fertility and some foods to avoid.

Continue reading “The Best Diet for Fertility”

What Does Your Vaginal Discharge Mean

Close up view of young woman and Hand is a symbol of heart over her crotch, conveying curiosity about what vaginal discharge may mean.

Having vaginal discharge is a normal and healthy part of being a woman. Vaginal discharge plays an important role in maintaining vaginal health by keeping the area clean and free from infections. However, changes in the color, consistency, or odor of vaginal discharge can sometimes indicate an underlying issue that requires attention. 

Understanding what your vaginal discharge means can help you distinguish between normal variations and potential problems. 

In this post we discuss the different types of vaginal discharge and what they might signify to help you stay in tune with your body. If you’re experiencing any concerning symptoms, we always recommend you schedule an appointment to discuss your concerns with your healthcare provider. Continue reading “What Does Your Vaginal Discharge Mean”