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What to Know About Epidurals for Childbirth

Expectant moms, or women thinking about having a baby, often want to know as much as they can about pain management during childbirth.

There are a variety of options available to you, including the use of an epidural. 

Epidurals are the most common form of pain relief during childbirth, with 50% of mothers choosing this method of pain management. Before deciding to use an epidural, we suggest that you explore how they work, potential side effects and which options are best for you.

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Labor & Delivery: What to Expect at the Hospital


Is your big day coming up soon? 

If so, it means that you are likely researching every bit of information you can learn about having a baby. There are many important steps along the way, but the most important one is what happens the day you deliver your new bundle of joy!

Here we will go over what you need to do before going to the hospital, what will happen when you first arrive and how delivery typically progresses once you are checked in.

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Copperstate Ob/Gyn Response to COVID-19

Copperstate COVID-19

Are you pregnant and have been diagnosed with COVID-19? If so please give our office a call at 📞 (520) 721-8605
Our team wants to share with you how to manage symptoms at home, when you might need to come to the hospital, and how to do that safely for yourself and our hospital staff. We’ll also be wanting to monitor you and baby even more closely throughout your pregnancy to keep you both healthy.

Minimal Exposure Office Protocols, effective April 1st, 2020:

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Copperstate is Now Accepting University Family Care

open enrollment

Copperstate OB/Gyn is Now Accepting Banner – University Family Care

We recognize that this year has put a lot of hardships on our community. 

We are committed to providing high quality patient care in the midst of these difficult times, and are pleased to announce that we are now accepting Banner – University Family Care, an Arizona Medicaid Health Plan (“AHCCCS”) contracted health plan. 

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